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    Why are Enterprises Difficult to Secure?


    The Network is a Digital Battlefield

    From direct attack to bribery, hackers have countless ways to get network access.

    Once they're inside, they lurk in the shadows while probing the network for assets to attack or data to steal.


    The Dilemma for IT and Infosec

    Traditional network security can be daunting. Installing new firewalls or reconfiguring VLANs can be a months-long odyssey.

    Making changes to the network with traditional tools has the potential to disrupt operations. Every single change needs to be carefully scrutinized and vetted.


    The Solution Hiding in Plain Sight

    Cybersecurity experts recommend companies segment their networks. Segmentation is a powerful technique that limits a hacker's ability to access critical assets and data.

    Yet, many companies conclude the pain of using traditional network security to apply segmentation outweighs the benefits. As a result, expert advice goes unheeded.

    Zentera: Effective Best-Practice Security Made Operational

    Zentera is the only cyber security solution that keeps your business applications safe and operational even when your network is compromised.

    Our patented Cyber Overlay virtually isolates critical assets, devices, and data, making them visible only to trusted users and servers. This minimizes business risk without impacting productivity.

    Unlike traditional network security, we deploy as software, overlaying existing applications and infrastructure without disrupting networks or operations. And unlike single-function Zero Trust products, our complete solution integrates micro-segmentation with packet-level access controls based on user, device, and application identity.

    This provides robust protection against insider threats, ransomware, and data leaks, without the heavy lift and limitations of traditional security or firewall solutions.

    • On-prem and cloud workloads
    • Deploys in minutes
    • Easy to set up and maintain
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    How we help you defend critical assets and data

    Deploy a new layer of defenses around critical assets and data

    The best network firewalls, threat detection tools, and monitoring still can't guarantee a threat-free network. This leaves critical assets and data exposed.

    We help you create a new layer of airtight protections around critical assets, just as recommended by NIST Special Publication 800-207.


    Manage access to protected assets with a Trust Table

    A Trust Table is like a guest list at a party, defining the requirements for a typical access, including who is allowed and what software clients can be used.

    We help you build and maintain your Trust Tables with advanced AI that tailors policies to your assets and helps you keep them up to date.


    Issue 'cyber-passports' to your users, machines, and software processes

    Use MFA to authenticate the unique identity of employees, contractors, devices, and even software processes.

    We help you apply MFA even to access types that don't natively support it, like ssh.


    Know who's accessing your assets - and how

    Validate the provenance of every network packet arriving at a protected asset, including whether the packet was generated by trusted software.

    We give you unparalleled observability into access to your most critical assets.


    Block malicious activity for good

    'Cyber passport controls' use the Trust Table to ensure that network packets arriving at the asset were sent by an authorized user/machine, or even a trusted software process running in the right context.

    We help you automatically block unauthorized accesses and malware by default - all without disrupting authorized access.


    What We Protect

    Trusted by Leading Enterprises, Partnered with Global Leaders

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    Selected Use Cases

    Key Benefits

    Airtight security

    Deploying security controls right at the asset eliminates lateral access paths that hackers use to get around traditional network security.

    Lower cyber risk

    Critical assets and data are protected from attack, reducing the overall business impact of a cyber event and speeding up time to recovery.

    Unmatched speed

    Our Zero Trust Fabric secures unmodified applications and on your existing infrastructure, enabling you to protect critical applications in minutes.

    Unparalleled simplicity

    CoIP Platform completely decouples security policies from your network implementation, allowing you to enforce end-to-end policies, even across sites.

    Incredible agility

    Our Zero Trust Fabric allows you to rapidly build and reconfigure overlay application networks for private application-to-application communication across disconnected networks.


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